Why Bridgeport Distribution, Inc.?
With Bridgeport Distribution your company will benefit from:
- State-of-the-art facilities,
- Equipment,
- Inventory systems,
- Extensive experience
Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff are committed to you and your customers’ needs.
Transportation Access to Other Markets
Oregon’s ports are two days closer to the Pacific Rim than ports of California. The Port of Portland is one of the largest ports on the West Coast. Portland is also home to Portland International Airport, the fastest-growing major airport in the country. The state’s extensive web of truck, rail, air, river, and ocean transport has made Portland the West Coast’s second largest wholesale trade and distribution center.
How to Choose a West Coast Distribution Service
Benefitting OR, WA, CA and ID markets
An efficient and dependable West Coast distribution center is essential for businesses in the USA and abroad who want to invest in skilled and cost-effective services that provide packing, storing, and distributing of their commodities. Businesses such as yours who are searching for a good West Coast distribution service, often select firms that are suggested by their friends and business associates. You may take their suggestion but it is essential that you do a little homework of your own before hiring them. This research is essential because when you are searching for West Coast distribution services you want a firm that can deal with your type of business. For instance, the first thing you ought to check is their experience in handling the commodities and resources you want to have packed, stored and/or distributed. Experience matters a lot when it comes to West Coast distribution of goods, not just the number of projects or the number of years that the firm has spent working on distribution, but also the kind of commodities it has dealt with. For instance, if you want to distribute fish, does the firm have cold storage facilities that meet your satisfaction?
You will also want to check whether the workers employed in your choice of West Coast distribution services has the appropriate skills and is experienced in the use of advanced technologies and tools for inspecting, packing, storing, and distributing the kind of commodities that you would like them to handle. Moreover we encourage you to inspect their facilities and equipment before hiring any distribution firm. Get an understanding of the tools and technology they use to pack the goods you give them. Are they stored and/or preserved in the way that guarantees that they won’t spoil or get damaged? How will they inventory and keep track of their goods? Are the facilities and distribution methods secure from theft and protected from water and fire damage? What loading/unloading methods and equipment do they use? Ask if you can tour the facilities of the West Coast distribution service centers you are considering to hire especially if you’re also hiring them for the distribution of your commodities and not just their storage.
Bridgeport Logistics
Some of our Partners and Vendors